TAKE OUT COFFEE/BREAKFAST Farmacie by the French Market and Et Al for coffee/pastries
GROCERY/STAPLES Highlands: Waterwitch for high end staples and healthy breakfasts; Et Al for small ready-made meals and pantry items; Highlands Farmers Market Saturdays/Seasonal; Feed & Seed pet supply & general store; Lusty Lobster for super fresh seafood to make at home; Welsh Farms convenience store
GROCERIES CLOSE BY: Superfoodtown -Atlantic Highlands; Whole Foods-Middletown -DELIVERS
DELIVERY: Franny's Pizza & Italian Highlands; Super Golden Chinese; Instacart delivers to Highlands.
TRAVEL: Seastreak Ferry to/from NYC; Uber services the area; Taxi/Limo/Delivery/Courier service 973-539-2500. Scooter Dudes offer $3 rides around town in summer.
LIQUOR STORE Highlands: Bay Spirits Shop; Driftwood Bar & Liquors
LIQUOR STORES nearby: Saltwater Liquors and Royal Atlantic Wine & Spirits - also delivers, Little Silver Bottle Shop (great beer!)
NEAREST HOSPITAL/ER: Hackensack Meridian Health Riverview-Red Bank; eMEdical Urgent Care -Middletown Township Nearest 24 Hr
ANIMAL HOSPITAL: Red Bank Veterinary Hospital-Red Bank